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Category View: Displaying 1 - 3 of 3

Fundamentals of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in Clinical Laboratories

Banner with centrifuge on left, and the course title on the right.  Various sets of concentric rings used for decoration.

Safety is imperative when working with potentially harmful materials and other hazards in the laboratory. This course is designed to assist clinical and public health laboratory professionals with applying risk management strategies to identify hazards, assess risks, and select appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) options.


At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe how PPE helps protect...
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Fundamentals of Chemical Fume Hood Safety

Banner with centrifuge on left, and the course title on the right.  Various sets of concentric rings used for decoration.

A chemical fume hood is the main piece of laboratory equipment that protects laboratory staff working with hazardous chemicals. When properly used, fume hoods protect staff from inhaling chemical gases, vapors, and aerosols. They serve as a physical barrier between staff and the hazardous materials inside the hood, and provide some splash protection.

This basic-level eLearning course provides an essential understanding of the major components of a...

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Fundamentals of Centrifuge Safety

Banner with centrifuge on left, and the course title on the right.  Various sets of concentric rings used for decoration.

Centrifuges are instruments used to separate mixtures, based on particle size and density, by spinning the mixtures at high speeds. These instruments are essential tools in all types of laboratories. Serious injuries or potential exposures can occur if centrifuges are improperly used or maintained.

This basic-level eLearning course provides information on the safe use of centrifuges. Topics covered include major parts of a centrifuge, types of...

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